Published onFebruary 23, 2021Add testing to VitetypescriptfrontendvuetestingMaking Vite, the brand new incredibly fast development server for Vue 3, whole with unit and end-to-end testing
Published onFebruary 1, 2021Write Vue like you write ReactjavascriptvuereactfrontendWith the Vue 3 Composition API, you can write functional components. What happens if we write them with JSX templates? Are they similar to React functional components?
Published onJuly 13, 2020You Might Not Need Vuex with Vue 3javascriptvuefrontendVuex is an awesome state management library. It's simple and integrates well with Vue. Why would anyone leave Vuex in Vue 3?
Published onDecember 17, 2019Vue Testing Crash CoursejavascriptvuetestingfrontendTest every aspect of your Vue app to stay bug-free and increase the trust in your code. Forget about the whack-a-mole game with bugs.